Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Why We Should Not Re-elect President Obama

What one reason would you give as to why President Obama should not be re-elected?

A follower of the blog suggested a good idea to me (thanks Susan H.).  She pointed out the need for a "concise one-page sheet of the most pressing reasons why Obama needs to be defeated."  It is true we can come up with many, many reasons President Obama should not be re-elected.  In fact, there are so many reasons we don't know where to start!  And we can be so incensed about these reasons we end up being almost incoherent.  Yes, I think conservatives would be well served to have a concise argument.

So, with your help, I am taking the challenge on of compiling this one-page document - talking points if you will - on why we need to defeat Obama.  Think through all the reasons and decide for yourself what would be the top reason for you.  I ask you to submit ONE reason here on the blog.  Let us all know and I'll put together the Top Ten Reasons Obama Has To Go.  Don't worry about repeating a reason already listed. That just reinforces it.

With your input we'll produce the citizens' talking points.


  1. 1) utter contempt and complete disregard for the u.s.constitution---ironically, a document he has sworn to uphold. that sacred document has been shredded on his watch and under his pen. i think this particular larceny has been most egregious to our natural inherenet rights and freedoms---much more damaging than any of his other asinine policies

  2. Roberta Gick sent this to me: I believe almost everything he has done since he took office has been unconstitutional. He appoints Czars (too many of them) because he doesn't want to use the senate confirmation process the Constitution requires. He interferes with contracts by take over of GM and firing its CEO and taking stock from those who paid for it and giving it to union that did not pay for it. He nominates people for Supreme Court who are less qualified than I am to serve in the most important judicial position in the country. He abuses the Executive Order power to bypass Congress. He has done nothing to secure the country and keep us safe (isn't that his main job?) but puts in place invasive scanners and body touching just for us to get on a plane. He refuses to let us be free and wants to dictate how we should live every aspect of our lives.
