Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What Happened to Separation of Powers?

I don't know if you caught it. Right after the new year (Yeah, when everyone was engrossed with the "fiscal cliff") President Obama issued an "administrative rule" that would give illegal immigrants an easier path to residency.  Doesn't the last part of the previous sentence seem like an oxymoron? Illegal immigrants...and easier residency??

Illegal immigrants who are immediate relatives of American citizens will have an easier path to permanent residency under this administrative rule.  It could affect a million illegal immigrants.  The rule aims to "reduce the time illegal immigrants are separated from their U.S. families while seeking legal status."  If the illegal immigrants can demonstrate that their time apart from an American spouse, child or parent would create "extreme hardship" they can apply for a visa without leaving the United States.

So people who are admitting they broke the law to enter the U.S. and have identified themselves as lawbreakers won't have to be burdened to obey the law and leave.  They just ask for their visa by saying, "I'm here illegally, but it's an extreme hardship for me to be away from family." Sounds good; we should grant you permanent residency with those credentials!

This order by Obama is one of the latest uses of "executive powers" to revise immigration LAWS.  Obama has said previously that these measures are the right thing to do and he can't wait for Congress.  Gee, doesn't the U.S. Constitution give Congress the power to pass laws?  If there is going to be a revision of immigration law it should come from Congress.  Obama is once again trampling on the Constitution and ignoring separation of powers.

President Obama and Vice President Biden are talking now about using the same rationale to institute stricter gun control.  In the discussions VP Biden said the President wants something done!  It's morally imperative that they enact stricter gun controls and if Congress won't do it then they will do the "right thing" and issue executive orders.

Look out Second Amendment, here comes Obama's boot!  Hello, Congress? Will you sit by and let Obama usurp your power and our rights?

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